Monday, December 15, 2014

Sanjay Gupta MD: New pain pill stronger than Vicodin

FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg talks with CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta about an FDA-approved drug that is raising eyebrows.

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1 comment :

  1. I've tried a variety of prescribed medications for about 8 years. The ones that had worked (ie: gabapentin), had stopped working after a few months. Others made me feel sluggish and hungover. I started taking tramadol 6 months ago, 100mg in the mornings. My days are so much better, I feel energize, and it takes 90% of fms pain away. I cannot take Tramadol at night as it makes me have nightmares, and insomnia. Great if taken in the morning. My father and brother also take it for different ailments, they swear by it
